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We are a full service pet grooming facility focusing primarily on dogs, but we groom cats as well. We only utilize experienced groomers. We are not a training facility. This is not just a job for our groomers they are animal lovers just like you. We utilize a morning drop off system and dogs are groomed in the order they arrive. You make an appointment for the day you would like to come then drop off is 7:00 - 9:00 weekdays and 8:00 on Saturdays. You will receive a call when your dog is ready and pick up is at the owners convenience as long as it is by closing time. We are currently booking approximately 7 days in advance.
If you want professional grooming, bring your pet to us. Quality grooming is all we do.
We treat your dog like you would treat it. We take appointments and usually have openings the next day. We receive dogs between 7:00 am and 9:00 am. Dogs are groomed on a first in first out basis and you receive a call the minute your dog is ready to help reduce the time they are away from home.

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